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    The ultimate mind control.


    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2022-12-13
    Location : Jewmerica

    The ultimate mind control.  Empty The ultimate mind control.

    Post by Holohoaxed1945 Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:20 am

    The ultimate mind control.  Religa10

    Now please gently realize these facts:  The Jews created Judaism. The Jews created Christianity. The Jews (and this is known) created Islam. These religions always have been and are right now directed by Jews.

    Through religion we are all controlled at the most profound level of our souls, to such an extent that even our connection to our Spiritual Source is blocked by stories of human conflict in “Holy Books” rather than by a true awareness of our true spiritual natures in the here and now. Even our spiritual connection has been taken from us, due to these religions, that the Jews control, that have been forced upon us since birth. The controllers of religion, control who we think we are in relation to the Greater Universal Reality itself.

    In history, if our ancestors did not believe as they were told to believe, they would be executed. This is not the work of a loving God. This is murder for power and greed and domination… by the Jews.

    Their deception and their control over us is such that, even reading this information right now, can create deep conflict and emotional turmoil for the reader. This goes against everything ingrained in us, so fear arises to shut down any receptivity to honest information. Just as they intended.

    But as we open our eyes to this, we will find liberation from their domination, and a re-awakening of the goodness and innocence of our true spiritual nature, and  a true spiritual awakening can emerge within each and every one of us.

    The 3 Major “Abrahamic Religions” all came from the Jews.The Jews begat Judaism.Then the Jews begat Christianity.Then the Jews begat Islam.


    That right there should create a crisis of faith. Religions seem to prevent having a relationship with “God” “The Universe” or your “Source” or “Higher Self”. Must walk away from these human made belief systems in order to find “Reality” itself. The good news is… Reality Itself is so much nicer than those darn Jewish Gods.


    CHRISTIANITY – The story of a Jewish man, with 12 Jewish followers, who was put to death because he knocked over the tables of the money changers in the Jewish Temple. After his death, his followers brought together a financially lucrative following in his name, that was to become an enforced religion. And topple the Roman Empire for starters.

    Currently: 1 Billion Followers

    ISLAM – Mohamed was born in the city of Medina. Medina had been a Jewish city for hundreds of years. It’s no wild stretch of the imagination to assume that Mohamed too was Jewish.

    Suspicions that Mohammed may have murdered his wife and uncle are not unreasonable. Though saying it was God’s will, Mohammed inherited large sums of money from both of them, which he quickly used to fund the battles that killed tens of thousands of innocent people to force his self-worshipping religion upon the entire region.

    Currently: 2 Billion Followers

    The Jewish Control of Islam


    Mohamed was a Jew. This is the truth, not a rumor. This is a real eye-opener. He was born in Medina, a city known to have been Jewish for hundreds of years.

    Saudi Arabia

    Think about it, one family got to put their name over the name of the country. Saudi is a Jewish Family. Yes, certifiably Jewish. And they control Arabia. So they named it after themselves: Saudi Arabia.

    What if one family got control of America and decided to name it after their family. How about Steinberg America. And then we would be called Steinberg Americans, just like they are called Saudi Arabians.

    One family rules Arabia. The Saudis. They are ancestral Jews, even if they say they are practicing Islam.

    The holidays you celebrate mindlessly...

    All of Their Holidays are Sacrificial Rituals – Honoring All of the Civilizations They Have Destroyed


    Purim. Book of Esther. Destruction of Persia. Ritual for children is creating a pastry in the shape of ears. To eat the ears of those who were slain

    Hanakah – Destuction of Greece.

    Rosh Hoshanah –

    They celebrate no holiday that does not include the remembrance of a civilization they destroyed. They say the holiday means “forgiveness” “remembrance” as a cover for what it really means. So the good jews can interpret, oh how nice, we forgive, but then it’s a way for the Upper Echelon Jews to squash the celebrator just a little bit more.

    The jews you know did not invent this system. They were born into it.

    Jews did die in WW2 – According to plan. The plan of the Jews Upstairs. Who are friends to none, not even their own. Jews are as much enslaved by the “Chosen” Elite Jewish Master Race as anyone else. In that regard we are all equal. One small tribe, in control of all else is ruling the world.


    Whoever you are – You are not free. Not as long as they rule over you.


    I remember a skit on a tv show called Saturday Night Live. They were explaining Hanakah. They made a joke that all Jewish holidays boil down to “They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat.” Funny. At first.

    The truth is more like:  The Jews enter a civilization. They gain power and they steal from it. The locals are resentful and fight back. That culture is destroyed. “Le Chaim! To Life!”


    What’s next on the list?  The Western Nations. It’s gearing up right now. It’s obvious. We are in Their End Days, if we let it be so.

    We are all in the crosshairs of history, quite clearly, America, Australia, Europe.

    Forced Migration of other ethnicities was a cover for bringing in paid assassins who will do the dirty work. They will blame the innocent immigrants.

    If the citizens of those countries try to defend their lives, they will be called racists, murders, unAmerican, for not accepting the impending death that the Upper Elite Jews are trying to inflict upon us, just like all of their ancestors in an unbroken chain of atrocities.

    In short. You’re next.

    No matter what your race, it will not protect you. They advertise the next “Civil War” as they call it. Blacks will die because Jews like killing blacks too. Hispanics will die because they like killing and torturing Hispanics too. White genocide is easy now.

    No one race will be spared, not even you. History proves it.

    In this long line up of culture killings, and individual knock offs, the line path to history, ends with you. Or you end with it.


    The Cabala – The Holy Book of how it’s okay to openly kill more Non-Jews… states that…

    Cabala is where we get the word “Cabal” mean a small group of secretive players who do sinister things undetected. A small cabal of jewish nationalist plan to kill the nations they have infiltrated. Just like they have with every other country on earth. We’re next.

    Unless we do something about it.





    England – Guy Fawkes Day. He was leading an uprising against the Jewish control

    of England. He was killed. The celebration is to Burn Guy Fauks in effigy every November 1st. This is for the kids.

    Columbus Day – The Jew Columbus brought 3 boatloads of Jews and an arsenal of weaponry to kill the people and take over the lands. They of course knew that “America” was there. This was just the takeover.

    It was not to prove that the world was round. It was not for a closer route to India. They knew what was there, they knew what they wanted.

    1492 was the “Expulsion” of the Jews from Spain. No. It was the planned migration of the huge populaton of Jews in Spain, who already made the Inquisition to destroy non-Jews who disagreed with the Churches the Jews created.

    So deeds done in Spain. Squashed the people, all that’s left are orphans and slaves. Let’s go to the new world and do it there. And they did.

    The Columbus armada of 1492 lands on the shores, and the beginning of Jewish power in the “Americas” has begun.

    THANKSGIVING – Do I even have to explain that one?

    HALLOWEEN – Do I even have to explain that one?

    CHRISTMAS & EASTER – The Jews create a religion to destroy and control non-Jews. It’s called Christianity. Part of the fable myths of the religion include a virgin birth, Christmas; and a dead man rising from the grave, Easter. Not much more to add to that.

    New Years – The Gregorian Calendar is a farce. Farcical invention. It confuses us about time by having unequal months. It divide 365 days stupidly. The months, the days of the week are all named after Gods, they co-opted, that we have no allegence to or understanding of. The Calendar was deliberately made in the XXX Century AD by the Christian Church to do exactly what it’s doing. To Confuse us. To mess up our relationship to time, seasons. The only way we know what day it is, is to refer to their Calendar. This Calendar goes all over the world. Everyone uses it, or you will not be “on board” with the rest of us.

    The other holidays, that they let us create, all serve some other possibilities for their abuse of them.

    So Let’s All Celebrate! Just like how they tell us to!

    Merry MindFuck Day!

    Happy Jewish Imposition of Power Day!

    No thanks. We’ll abstain. And we look forward to the day when we will create holidays that we all really can celebrate together.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 3:53 pm