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    Free your mind.


    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2022-12-13
    Location : Jewmerica

    Free your mind.  Empty Free your mind.

    Post by Holohoaxed1945 Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:29 am

    “One true God”? Is it in this partial list of gods?

    Agdistis or Angdistis, Ah Puch, Ahura Mazda, Alberich, Allah, Amaterasu, An, Anansi, Anat, Andvari, Anshar, Anu, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apsu, Ares, Artemis, Asclepius, Athena, Athirat, Athtart, Atlas, Baal, Ba Xian, Bacchus, Balder, Bast, Bellona, Bergelmir, Bes, Bixia Yuanjin, Bragi, Brahma, Brigit, Camaxtli, Ceres, Ceridwen, Cernunnos, Chac, Chalchiuhtlicue, Charun, Chemosh, Cheng-huang, Cybele, Dagon, Damkina, Dumkina, Davlin, Dawn, Demeter, Diana, Di Cang, Dionysus, Ea, El, Elohim, Enki, Enlil, Eos, Epona, Ereskigal, Farbauti, Fenrir, Forseti, Freya, Freyr, Frigg, Gaia, Ganesha, Ganga, Garuda, Gauri, Geb, Geong Si, Hades, Hanuman, Hathor, Hecate (Hekate), Helios, Heng-o (Chang-o), Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Hod, Hoderi, Hoori, Horus, Hotei, Huitzilopochtli, Hsi-Wang-Mu, Hygeia, Inanna, Inti, Iris, Ishtar, Isis, Ixtab, Izanaki, Izanami, Jehovah, Jesus, Juno, Jupiter, Juturna, Kagutsuchi, Kartikeya, Khepri, Ki, Kingu, Kinich Ahau, Kishar, Krishna, Kukulcan, Lakshmi, Liza, Loki, Lugh, Luna, Magna, Mater, Maia, Marduk, Mars, Mazda, Medb, Mercury, Mimir, Minerva, Mithras, Morrigan, Mot, Mummu, Muses, Nammu, Nanna Nanna (Norse), Nanse, Neith, Nemesis, Nephthys, Neptune, Nergal, Ninazu, Ninhurzag, Nintu, Ninurta, Njord, Nut, Odin, Ohkuninushi, Ohyamatsumi, Orgelmir, Osiris, Ostara, Pan, Parvati, Phaethon, Phoebe, Phoebus, Pilumnus, Poseidon, Quetzalcoatl, Rama, Re, Rhea, Sabazius, Sarasvati, Selene, Shiva, Seshat, Seti (Set), Shamash, Shapsu, Shen Yi, Shiva, Shu, Si-Wang-Mu, Sin, Sirona, Sol, Surya, Susanoh, Tawaret, Tefnut, Tezcatlipoca, Thanatos, Theos, Thor, Thoth, Tiamat, Tlaloc, Tonatiuh, Toyo-Uke-Bime, Tyche, Tyr, Utu, Uzume, Venus, Vesta, Vishnu, Volturnus, Vulcan, Xipe, Xi Wang-mu, Xochipilli, Xochiquetzal, Yam, Yarikh, Yhwh, Ymir, Yu-huang, Yum Kimil, Zeus, Zoroaster

    If the definition of atheism is to mean the non belief in a God/(gods) ... then by definition most everybody is an atheist, because you don't believe in the gods of other religions and cultures.

    Everyone was an atheist before man created the first god, who most assuredly was not the god/(gods) of the 21st century.

    Most only believe in his or her chosen deity and would by definition be atheistic toward all the other deities created by man over the millennia.

    atheism is freedom from religion, why should anyone who has attained this level of reason wish to take on belief in fairy tales? I think this is an issue of manipulation and control. People who believe in fairy tales are easier to control and isn't that the purpose of religion anyway?

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 1:52 pm